# Supplemental 7ft Longboi assembly guide

Important note: 3D Printed Plastic can crack if the bolts are over tighted. Error on the side of too loose.

# Combine Center Sections

Use the smaller M5 Flathead screws to combine the center two sections with the matching connecting pieces.

# Add in the PCB/Plate Assembly

Add the PCB/Plate Assembly. You can choose to add the knob to the encoder before inserting it into the case or after. If you choose before, you'll have to remove the assembly to remove the knob but the knob does sit lower.

# Add Gaskets to the Backplate

Add the included gaskets to the backplate brakets.

# Optionally route a wire for the ESC key

Note: The remaining ordering of steps isn't very important. You may find it easier to reorder the final parts of assembly.

If you'd like a functioning escape key, you'll need to route 2 wires through the internal channels of the printed pieces. You'll have to solder the wire to an extra 2u spot like the numpad area or split leftshift. Test the key in VIAl with a pair of tweezer before soldering.

If you are choosing the 4ft version and not adding the extra side pieces, there is no space for an escape key.

# Add the Side Connectors

Use the included M5 Flatheads to secure the pieces together. Be careful not to overtighten

# Add the Backside Cover and Panels

Use the remaining M3 bolts to add the backside cover and the panels near the escape key. Be careful not to over tighten.