# Twitch Stream Info and Commands
Everything you need to know to have a great time watching our twitch streams. We stream every Wednesday in the afternoon. https://www.twitch.tv/JackPikatea (opens new window)
If you'd like to help edit this page with any information you'd like to add, feel free here (opens new window)
# Receipt Printer
- Print a simple message with "!print" followed by your message! Example: "!print this is a message."
- Use \i to invert the color of the text at any point in the message. Example: "!print this is not inverted \i this is inverted."
- A full list of compatible characters can be found by using the command "!printable." Use special characters to make fun ASCII art.
- Follow and/or subscribe, and your name gets printed out. We staple subscriber names in the shop!
- We have a few other hidden features you'll just have to figure out.
# Super Duper Prints
- Print a very large message using the Super Duper Print channel reward. Non-subs only get 15 characters, but subs are not limited.
- Raid the channel and your raid message will get printed out in Super Duper size.
- Messages that include bits will get printed out in Super Duper size. Each bit you include gives you 1 character to print, so be sure to include enough bits or your message might get cut off!
# Beeps!
- Each beep is unique to your username!
- Grab a ticket (channel reward) when joining the stream to hear your beep.
- There are other opportunities to beep, but you'll have to find that out yourself!
# User Commands
!advice - prints out advice
!bethany - Plays a song for bethany
!commands - linkS to this website
!discord - discord link (https://www.pikatea.com/discord)
!enter - enter the giveaway when we run a giveaway
!guide/guides - link to the guides page (https://www.pikatea.com/guides)
!hehe - overlayed video
!music/!playing/!song - shows current song info (to be made)
!neverforget - overlayed image
!niches - WHAT IS UP MY GUY
!null - plays the null pointer error overlay
!print [message] - prints out [message] on a receipt
!printable - returns receipt printable characters
!resetcamera - resets the facecam if it looses tracking (NOT WORKING)
!rules - view giveaway rules
!shop/!site/!website - https://www.pikatea.com
!side - switch the camera to the side view if the current scene is the top view
!so - shout out someone
!social/!socials - link to social media pages
!test - test command
!top - switch the camera to the top view if the current scene is the side view
!build - a keyboard
!funky - funky60! https://www.pikatea.com/products/funky60
!captea - who is that imposter?
!capptea - https://clips.twitch.tv/ShakingFairArmadilloTinyFace-MmKP9fbOdAhuvvUF
!kim - GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit OMG!!!!!! CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit IT'S CELEBRITY STREAMER @KIMLYNNWIN! CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit twitch.tv/KIMLYNNWIN GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit
!keyboard - my current keyboard
!bandaid - Knives are sharp, be careful chat
!chad - Chad is a nice guy, be more like Chad.
!kp69 - https://www.pikatea.com/products/pikatea-keyboard-kp69
# More Channel Point Reward Info
- Total Receipts Printed - doesn't do anything but the cost shows the amount of recipets we have printed
# Moderator Commands
- !command [!thecommand] [this is the response message] - creates/updates a command called [!command] that returns the response message [this is the response mssage] (example: !command !build we are building a keyboard)
- !fliphdmi
- !start
- !startgiveaway
- !sticker [username] - give discount codes needed to get a free sticker from https://www.pikatea.com/stickers
- !stopgiveaway
- !winner/!winners - the information winners need after a giveaway
- !volume [0-100] set the spotify volume to a percentage
# More Moderator Info
- Admin/Moderator Stream Deck (opens new window) - control the stream in more detail